Questions/answers for members
Questions/answers for members
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Questions/answers for members
Questions/answers for members
Questions/answers for the administrators
Questions/answers for members
The dentist cannot find AGA on his/her claims platform?
The pharmacist is unable to enter the group number?
After attempting to process the claim, my pharmacist is unable to successfully forward the claim. What happens then?
After attempting to process the claim, my dentist is unable to successfully forward the claim. What happens then?
My paramedical practitioner (chiro, massage therapist or other) cannot find AGA on his/her claims platform. What can I do?
How can I submit a treatment plan/estimate?
How can I get my group insurance booklet?
How can I check the status of my claim?
What services are covered under my plan?
How can I increase or change my coverage?
The student status of my child has changed. How can I update it?
I am leaving my employer. Can I keep my coverage?
My family situation has changed. How can I add or remove a family member?
How can I log in to my account on my plan’s website?
Where can I find my group and certificate numbers?
How can I get an insurance card?
How can I update my personal information?