Whether you’re looking to set up a retirement savings plan or to reevaluate your current plan, our experienced team offers customized services and advice.
Offering a Competitive Plan
To remain competitive, your plan must be periodically evaluated so that adjustments can be made if necessary.
- We will compare the performance of funds in the line up to different indexes and funds on the market. If there are any shortcomings, our team will propose options to rectify the situation.
- We will regularly update the management fees for your retirement plan to ensure their competitiveness. If needed, we will negotiate with the provider or proceed with a new call for tenders.
- Your retirement plan is part of your employees’ total rewards program and should be designed to meet their needs. AGA will review the plan’s provisions and submit analysis reports to guide your choices.
Focusing On Communication and Education
A retirement plan holds great value for your employees, which they should be made aware of.
We support our clients by adapting our communications in order to reach as many plan members as possible. We hold meetings or themed workshops, depending on their needs.
To get a quote or to assess the competitiveness of your current retirement plan, contact us. Or ask for a quote!