EVOLUTION 50 to 124 employees

For the Evolving Needs of the Workforce

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More and more companies are looking for more flexible group insurance plans that suit the needs of each employee.

Evolving With the Realities of the Job Market

AGA’s EVOLUTION modular plan is a simple, technological and smart plan geared toward groups of 50 to 124 employees, often composed of multiple generations of workers*.


* Some restrictions apply.

Why Choose the EVOLUTION Modular Plan?

  • More flexibility in the benefits offered
  • Simple and speedy implementation using our efficient technological tools
  • Communication tools for easy and effective plan administration
  • Cost stability and economies of scale through a highly effective pooling approach
  • Possibility of benefiting from the AGA +PLUS platform
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And Many More Advantages!

Contact us to check your eligibility for the Evolution plan or ask for a quote!