Doing Business With AGA Is a Win-Win!
Over the course of many years and acquisitions, we’ve developed expertise that sets us apart from the competition. We put this expertise to work for our clients across Canada.
Control Your Group Insurance Costs
The cost of a group insurance plan is a source of concern for plan sponsors, and with good reason! It can be tempting to change a plan or issue a new call for tenders to bring down your bill, but you can control your costs without reducing the coverage offered.
Streamline Your HR Management with Our Cangaroo HR Management System!
Simplify your life and make the most of your HR team’s time by automating redundant and day-to-day tasks, while providing a unique employee experience. Cangaroo HR software is a robust, state-of-the-art human resources information system (HRIS).
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Support your workforce wherever they are!
AGA offers cross-border services to help you navigate the differences in healthcare systems, regulatory requirements, and coverage expectations across borders. Take advantage of our network of experts based in the United States!
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As a third-party administrator/payor, AGA is accredited by Canada’s top insurance companies to administer group insurance plans and pay claims.
Flexibility: We will select the best insurers for the types of coverage you need, rather than one insurer for all your coverage.
Savings: AGA will negotiate the best prices for the services you choose.
And much +MORE!