Complaint Examination and Dispute Resolution Policy

Our Procedure Is Quite Simple

Complaint examinations and dispute resolutions are carried out in a series of easy well-defined steps set forth under this policy.


Step 1

If you have any concern regarding a product or service, you must first notify your contact person or a representative in our Customer Service Department.


Step 2

Following the first step, if you are dissatisfied with the answer you received, you may request that your issue be transferred to a higher echelon, for instance a supervisor, manager, department head, etc.


Step 3

In most cases, requests or disputes are quickly settled through the first and second steps.

If this is not the case, you may file a formal complaint. It must be filed in writing and addressed to the person in charge of complaint examinations and dispute resolutions at AGA.

In your request, you must state the grounds for your complaint and as many details as possible regarding your reproach toward AGA and actual or potential prejudice, as well as the corrective measures you are seeking.

You must also attach any and all documentation in support of your request. Your written complaint and documentation must be sent to :

Person in charge of complaint examinations and dispute resolutions

AGA Benefit Solutions
3500 De Maisonneuve Blvd W. Suite 2200
Westmount QC H3Z 3C1

Pour plus de renseignements sur le traitement des plaintes et des différends ou sur d’autres recours possibles,

For more information on our complaint examination and dispute resolution policy or on other possible recourse, download our Complaint examination leaflet.